My best friend and I often sit and talk about different business ideas and dreams that we have. We feed off of each others energy and before you know it we have created multiple empires with only two words... what if. This week I have rediscovered the value of this very special friendship.
Starting up a new business takes so many different things:
hard work, creativity, finding a balance between your ambition and your budget, a good idea/product/service, guts to take the chance but I have realized one of the most important things is to have people in your corner that dream with you, believe in you and cheer you on. I am so lucky to have a mom, a husband and a best friend that are all cheering me on, giving me feedback and being my soundboards. When my daughter was born I understood the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child" for the first time... the same phrase can be used for starting up a business.
We will be at two markets this Sunday and I will leave Ocean on his own at Cow House Market for the first time while I am at Market @ the Beach. Another big part of building a business is trusting the people you work with and letting go... While I am still trying to figure out how to be at two places at once... I have full confidence in Ocean and believe he will serve up delicious drinks as he always does.
I am so grateful for the people in my corner, I am grateful for the opportunity to start my own business and I am grateful for my husband that cooks.
This will be our second weekend at Cowhouse Market and our first weekend at Market @ the Beach. Come and pop in for a chat and a bubble tea.
Lots of Love
Little B
